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When we say “all my relations”, it’s meant in a teaching way, to rekindle community. We are part of the great, grand circle of humanity, and we need each other.

— Richard Wagamese, One Native Life

Indigenous Programming & Resources

A conversation from Trinity College in the University of Toronto What was the role of the Anglican Church in colonialism? What was the effect of colonialism on the Church? As faith groups worldwide acknowledge the church’s role in colonialism, we will gather virtually to consider the role and impacts of colonialism in the Anglican Church. Beginning with a virtual visit to the Lambeth Palace Library’s important exhibition Enslavement: Voices from the Archives and drawing together speakers from England and Canada, panelists will consider the historic roles of the Church and explore possibilities for moving forward toward healing and decolonization.

Watch on YouTube

Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives organized an inter-generational Indigenous and Non-Indigenous gathering, “A Time for Reconciliation”.

KAIROS gathers together Canadian churches and religious organizations to respond faithfully to the call to “do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with your God” (Micah 6:8).

Get to know more about KAIROS

The documentary has been successfully shown in 3 sections on Zoom, with online discussion groups following each section using the prepared study guide in “breakout rooms”.

Click here for more information about showing the documentary

• Territorial Acknowledgement Resource Anglican Diocese of Ottawa (ADO)

Land acknowledgements are important, but often end up being superficial or perfunctory. The United Church of Canada’s Shining Waters Regional Council has developed an excellent territorial acknowledgement resource page to help you think more about your acknowledgement, why you are doing it, and how you can make it a more active commitment to reconciliation.

Watch ADO Acknowledgement of Territory video.

Thank you to Irene Barbeau and the Rev. Stephen Silverthorne of Good Shepherd Barrhaven for this providing this video.


All My Relations Circle

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